My name is Bas, born in 1965 and living in Nieuwegein since 2003. The common thread through my life is the ever-present need to further develop myself. Time and again to become a better version of myself in order to continuously improve the quality of life.
By effectively cultivating my body and mind, I learned that everything starts with awareness. After becoming aware, I could make choices about how and which part of myself needed attention.
In 2006 my body gave signals that I had not encountered before. I didn’t really know what to do. If only I had known that! Then I could have saved myself from a painful period in which I no longer recognized myself. My emotions desperately sought an escape and screamed to be seen and heard. Nevertheless, I was left wondering why this happened, an alternative method of examining myself was necessary.
Plant Medicine
Over the years I have followed numerous courses and workshops in the field of meditation, tai chi, shamanism, body and breath work. However, it had to be I ended up with ayahuasca again. I had drunk ayahuasca before around 1996. I wanted to experience what it was like. Afterwards, it turned out that I was not ready for it and my motivation turned out to be not the right one. This time my mindset was completely different. I was able to surrender unconditionally to the harsh lessons of the medicine. Not least because of the expert guidance. This made me feel completely safe to look at what needed to be looked at.
Safety turned out to be a turning point in my life, I had found what I had been looking for for a long time. From that moment on, I turned to the medicine plants when I needed healing. I learned to be able to carry my own process. I then started researching the different plants and settings, both therapeutically and shamanically. An adventurous journey that took me to the deepest layers of myself. This was supported with techniques and processes without using consciousness-altering plants.
And now on
This journey continues forever, a journey without purpose or destination that continues to fill me with gratitude and passion. I see it as my mission to pass on the gift of the medicinal plants in a responsible and safe way. For that reason, my focus is on private guidance. Here I can use all my acquired experience to provide the traveler with exactly what is needed to receive healing.
In connection,